Channel Your Inner Castaway on The Cook Islands
Channel your inner castaway and experience the ultimate dream of many: to live, survive and thrive on an uninhabited tropical island of mesmerizing beauty. To tick this item off your bucket-list then you must head to one of the least-visited archipelagos of the South Pacific. The Cook Islands are considered one of the very last ‘heavens on earth’ and it is here that a bespoke travel company offers you the chance to experience the ‘castaway holiday of a lifetime’.
Docastaway© offers the unforgettable chance to get completely lost in nature for an entire week, where you’ll have to build your own shelter and fish for your own dinner. The agency can organize journeys of varying extremes, where you can either be guided and supported on-site, or be left completely alone with help nearby should you need it. So brush up on your Bear Grylls survival skills, don’t bother packing a swimsuit and head for one of the most pristine and idyllic corners on earth.